Sunday, 24 October 2010

Last Lesson (22/10/10)

Initially last lesson we had planned to begin some editing and shoot some more close-ups for the narrative of our video. However after some deliberation and a good rethink of our video we realised that our narrative had become too complicated. Coupling this with the fact that our storyboard has become largely disorganized and we were generally shooting what we thought may be appropriate for the video with little thought. Because of this we have had a complete overhaul of our video and started afresh last lesson. We completed the filming of the live shots of our band outdoors in the sun. We chose to do this as sunlight made the shots eye-catching to the viewer and connotes a happy demeanor on the part of the band. We used basic instruments such as a single snare drum and an acoustic guitar rather than a full drum kit and an electric guitar complete with an amplifier. This will have made the performance look more improptu and simplistic. We felt that this would benefit our image an an indie band as the genre on the whole is notorious for not taking themselves too seriously.

OK Go, epitomize this indie image as they have a humerous video which does not make any intention of ccreating a serious image on the part of the band. Obviously our video will not be solely for the purpose of humour, but the mise en scene of our video should connote fun, and happyness which can then be juxtaposed by the narrative which we are yet to film; but plan to depict a sense of sadness and anger.


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