Last night as well as tonight, I have done my best to make the blog a little bit prettier with a nice tiger background as well as adding some gadgets in the right hand sidebar that I found useful last year at AS level.
Links - Displays a list of helful sites that we can edit and add to as we discover new ones, so far i have added links to both mine and Max's twitter accounts, as well as our groups YouTube channel. I would of added fiona's but there wasn't a link included in her post, so i'll get that sorted out in tommorrows lesson hopefully.
List - Displays a cloud of our names with size proportional to the number of posts. Basically it's a good reference point to keep us competitive so we always know who's doing less work, I found this helful last year as it gave me more motivation to create more posts and thus do more work. I hope it will have the same effect this year.
as can be seen above, a screenshot of the gadgets i've added to the blog.
I'll probably end up tweaking the blog aesthetically as the project goes on, but for now this will do.
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