Two door cinema club are a good example of an indie bands typical vide, here we are shown an example of stop motion shooting, with the band seemingly jumping around the screen erratically to flashing background colours. Stop motion is something i would like to incorporate into our music video as it is found in many other indie musicians videos without being in so many that it is clichéd. It is also a relatively easy technique to use if not slightly more time consuming. but the final result is a professional looking effect that anybody can achieve, hence why many Indie[Indipendant] bands choose to use it.
Another good example of use of stop motion in an indie music video is in this video by khaki king:
Without getting sidetracked for too long on stop motion, both of these artists can be considered 'indie' however they show a difference in costume style, with two door cinema club seemingly trying to market themselves as 'average lads' by wearing hoodies and jeans i.e. very common attire of their target audience (teenagers) with khaki king clearly trying to portray the lone shy female by wearing a large parka coat which makes her look smaller and less intimidating. She spends the majority of the video walking around dark streets on her own which would also help to connote that she is indipendant of others. She is clearly trying to appeal to both women who would also consider themselves indipendant and a slightly older audience i.e early 20's whilst still remaining fashionable to the stereotypically more fashion inclined youth. This helps her to maximise her market in an effective way.
As far as audience expectation goes, they will be more inclined to appreciate young, fashionable and good looking artists in the indie genre. Good examples of people who's success has been aided by these factors are

The Dykeenies

Jamie T

The Kooks
Although not necesarily the only factors that attribute to indie artists success these are prominent features of many of todays successful artists which we should look to use to our advantage when we come to film our music video and promote our band.
I took material from:
What would be really good is if you label these images (in paint/photoshop etc) with the particular dominant features and discuss what makes them effective/why you may use them
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