To begin with there is a close up of some vintage items. These include compact mirror with suggests a girl is involved in the scene and also an old book. This helps set the scene and the date in which it takes place. The camera cuts quickly to a double bass being played which is an instrument which was mainly used in jazz for strong bass line while the other instruments improvise a melody. It flicks back and forth between the double bass and the girl getting ready suggesting there are two story lines happening. It’s made to look like the double bass player is waiting and that the girl is getting ready to go out. The rest of the band turn up and meet with the double bassist and make their way to the venue. It changes to the main performance which is set in a low lit simple small room. It gives the feeling that it’s exclusive and that they only play to small audiences, this is much like jazz bands of the time whom would only play in small clubs. The clothing and appearance is all part of the 40 -50’s mise en scene with low key lighting and dull colours with brings to mind the war and the lack of vivid and bright times in life. Despite this the audience seem to be enjoying the act. The camera shots used are very quick and changes angle and zoom constantly making it seem like the performance is lively and upbeat
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